  • We Bring Hands-On Learning to Life

    1st Maker Space designs and provides makerspaces, builds high-quality furniture that is made for making, trains educators through hands-on professional development, and provides STEM & maker curriculum.

  • We Bring Hands-On Learning to Life

    1st Maker Space designs and provides makerspaces, builds high-quality furniture that is made for making, trains educators through hands-on professional development, and provides STEM & maker curriculum.

  • We Bring Hands-On Learning to Life

    1st Maker Space designs and provides makerspaces, builds high-quality furniture that is made for making, trains educators through hands-on professional development, and provides STEM & maker curriculum.

Makerspace Pricing

You’re in good hands. Maker hands.

At 1st Make Space, we understand the importance of continuous innovation and support for STEM-certified educators and schools. We believe the next generation of innovators, scientists, and engineers are in our classrooms today. We are committed to providing educators with the necessary resources and tools to inspire and educate future STEM professionals. Our team constantly explores new technologies and methods to help educators engage their students meaningfully and impactfully. We believe that through collaboration and innovation, we can help shape the future of STEM education and inspire the next generation of innovators and makers.


“We want to enable teachers to engage students.”

Watch the video to hear our story.

See STEM learning come alive!

Ready to create a makerspace for STEM education? Discover how to create an effective, engaging makerspace that encourages students' creativity through hands-on learning. Learn the steps for planning, building, and sustaining the best makerspace for your school's needs with professional development specialists providing additional resources & guidance.

 Visit our makerspace blog

for industry knowledge and news for educators

Our Clients

Over 250+ K-12 schools and community centers across the United States have invested in a full makerspace with 1st Maker Space.

View their stories on our portfolio page. Click below on the map to filter by grade level or makerspace type.